ICLJ at a Glance
ICLJ at a Glance

Sharia, as one of the core tenets of Islam plays an important role in Muslims’ lives. Shari’ah has provided an ethico-moral and legal foundation for Muslims’ lives. As a corollary of this, Muslims consult their lives to shariah and fiqh. The implementation of shariah in Muslim countries may vary depending on the political structures and cultures where Muslims live. For Muslims in the Muslim majority living according to shariah is easy, even some of shari’ah has been embodied into law and economy, but for our brothers and sisters living in Muslim minority, like in Thailand, Singapore, etc. there is a big challenge for them. However, wherever obedient Muslims live they will apply shariah in their daily lives because shariah is guidance for Muslims’ lives.

On the other hand, Islamic economy is a big opportunity in terms of business, not only for Muslim businessmen, but also for non Muslim businessmen. Looking at the fact that Muslims are large in number, it is a big opportunity for businessmen to gain profits. Halal economics have been developed in the world as a response to Muslims’ need for halal lifestyles.

To respond to these situations and developments, law and the Islamic economy need to be strengthened. To see the development of shariah and law in ASEAN countries, the Faculty of Sharia and Law of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta and the Central Islamic Council of Thailand would collaboratively organize the 8th International Conference on Law and Justice (ICLJ). This eighth ICLJ will focus on the theme of “Sharia and Law in ASEAN: Strengthening Law and Islamic Economy for Regional Social Welfare in the Disruptive Age”.